Duplicate Data Cleansing

Are your mails reaching the inbox once or multiple times?

That depends on how unique or redundant your data is.

Data decays as often as every month and data doubles almost every 18 months. Unprofessional data updation process makes room for redundant and duplicate data to settle in your data lists. Increase in the number of duplicate data, predominantly brings down the brand value of your company. Through professional manual and automated solutions, B2B Data Partners enhances your data through duplicate data cleansing process.

Data Cleansing
Grow Your Business

What B2B Data Partners does to your data?

B2B Data Partners identifies incomplete, incorrect, inaccurate, irrelevant parts of the data and then replaces, modifies or deletes them.


Once B2B Data Partners receives your dirty,
decayed data lists, we

Delete duplicate data

Delete duplicate

delete inaccurate records

Detect and correct (remove)
corrupt or inaccurate records

Increase the speed

Increase the speed
of service

Improve data

Improve data

copy of the data

Retain just the unique
copy of the data

Reduce the overall cost

Reduce the overall

After cleansing your data, the inconsistencies detected are removed or rectified. The reason behind duplicate data may have been originally caused by user entry errors, corruption in transmission or storage, or by different data dictionary definitions of similar entities in different stores.

No matter how you get your data lists dirty, B2B Data Partners has a solution to remove the duplicates and enhance it into a clean and rich data.